
Welcome to the VLTC Youth page!

When we talk about “Youth”, we refer to all kids/teenagers up to and including 17 years of age. At VLTC, our youth can now play tennis and padel. Sportsmanship and fun are values that are important to us. On this page you will find further information regarding our memberships for the youth and the KNLTB tenniskids program. We also highlight some info regarding the competitions and training.

Youth Memberships

Do you want to play tennis or padel, then both are possible at VLTC. Below you can find the relevant information regarding the memberships.

Junior Membership

EUR 32.50 per half year (September till January and February till June)

Should you choose this membership then the following applies:

  • Unlimited use of the tennis courts;
  • Use of the Padel courts, up to 18:00 on week days and weekends;
  • Participation to all youth activities (most are free, for a few of activities we ask a small contribution). To view the activity calendar, please click here;
  • Take part in all KNLTB-competitions (tennis league);
  • If you participate in the competitions, you receive a free VLTC clubshirt.

This membership does not include:

  • Training/lessons are not included. If you are interested in following lessons/training, off course that is possible! For training information, please contact Sander van Asten of YouSports, via sander@yousportstennis.nl. He will discuss the possibilities with you.

Junior Tennis and Padel Membership

EUR 20 extra per half year (September till January and February till June), so in total EUR 52.50 per half year.

Included in this membership:

  • Unlimited use of all the courts, also after 18:00 week days and weekends.
  • For all other activities, the same rules apply as the above Junior Membership.
  • For training, same applies as above: please contact Sander van Asten.

Termination of your membership

You can end your membership by sending an email to: ledenadministratie@vltcveldhoven.nl. Cancellation should take place no later than 31 december or 31 juli of each year. Cancellation will then go into effect on 1 february or 1 september resp.

Tenniskids Program

KNLTV tenniskids, means that children are categorized by age and allocated a colour level. This is then the level that they will train and play tournaments and competition in. The younger the player, the smaller the playing field and the softer and slightly larger the tennisballs.

This way the children are able to play longer rally’s which improves their tennis game. As they improve and develop their game insight, the more fun the tennis game becomes.

For more information regarding the Tenniskids program, click here.


We encourage the VLTC youth to participate in the competitions. The youngest members play in the World Tour, which is category Red and Orange and they play their matches on the Sunday morning.
Green and Yellow categories play in the KNLTB competitions (spring and autumn) and start a little later on the Sunday morning and some also start in the afternoon.

You play matches as part of a team against other clubs in the region. Competitive play is challenging and a quick way to learn and get better. In addition it is also fun. We feel that it is important that the kids feel that they are part of a team so we encourage teams to travel to their matches together or assemble at a meeting point and arrive at the location together.

As Padel is still quite new at our club and especially for our youth, there is currently no padel youth competitions.


Tennis and padel training is given by our fun and enthusiastic trainers from YouSports. For further information regarding the training possibilities, please click here.

Registration or more information?

Do you want to register as member? Please click here for the registration form.

Should you require any further information or have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us, by sending an email to our Youth Commission: jc@vltcveldhoven.nl

We are always happy to help!

Wishing you load of tennis and padel fun at VLTC.

The Youth Commission

Laatste update: juni 2024

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